Editing App Store App Information After Submission
You need to update some app metadata of a live app in the App Store? This article shows what you can and cannot update while your app is live.
Many of you may have already faced the issue of having to update some information of an app in App Store Connect, and realized you actually had to upload a new version of the app in order to update that single information. Frustrating.
Unfortunately this article isn't about bypassing that requirement, but actually just to inform which of the information that is displayed in the App Store that can be edited at any time, since I found it quite difficult to find that information browsing Apple docs.
According to this Apple Documentation there are some information that may be edited at any time, and a few that need to pass through through the whole app review process (which includes create a new app version and submit a new app binary) to be edited and approved to the App Store.
These can be edited at any time:
◊ Apple TV Privacy Policy
◊ License Agreement
◊ Whats New in This Version
◊ Description
◊ Support URL
◊ Marketing URL
◊ Rating
◊ Copyright
◊ Trade rep
◊ Routing app coverage file
To edit these information, select the Ready for Sale version from the platform header in the left pane, edit the desired fields and then click Save.
Now the information below cannot be edited when the app has already been approved, but may be editable if the app is under other statuses. To check if it is editable or not, go to yours App Store Connect app page and see if the info is editable at that time. These are:
◊ App name
◊ Privacy Policy URL
◊ Primary Language
◊ Category
◊ App rating
◊ Bundle ID
◊ Screenshots
◊ Keywords
◊ Build
◊ App Preview
◊ Icons
◊ Version number
◊ Rating
◊ App review info
◊ Version release
Please note that after submission, the updated info may need up to 24 hours to reflect in the App Store.
This information is pretty useful when you’re just depending on the App Store description translators in order to get your app live, for example. Just submit the app right away without the description (don’t forget to set it to manual launch) and quicken up the review process. 😉
Since this article was written, there were many changes in App Store Connect. Check out this article of mine showing how to update the screenshots of your live apps: